Which speakers work close to back wall?


I have placement issues and need a speaker that works well being placed relatively close to the back wall. I know the Linn models do (such as the Ninka and even the Espek) and I know the Totem Arro does. I would like to know if there are any other models up to the $3,000 price point that I should consider. Thanks.
Reference 3A's. Several reviewers have listened to different models near the backwall with minimal detrimental effects and give them the thumbs up. Good luck!
Some good NHT models are designed to be placed near or even against the wall behind them. Good Luck. Craig
The Gradient Revolution with its dipole bass module (which can be oriented for best sound in-room) and cardioid mid/tweet module (which minimizes reflections off the "front" wall) was designed from the outset to work well close to one wall (but not in a corner). The Revolution is a most intelligent design, as it genuinely does minimize the room's influence on the sound. I could talk your ears off about 'em.

The Gradient Evidence uses a more conventional bass loading, but is deliberately voiced to sound good up against a wall, as such placement is often imposed on speakers by the smaller homes of Finland and neighboring European nations. The Revolution busts your budget, but the Evidence doesn't.

I find the Gradients to be extremely well thought-out and nicely voiced. You can read more at www.gradient.fi.

Yup, I sell 'em.

Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions. I offer in-home auditions.

Best of luck to you in your quest!

Audio Note speakers are designed to be close to the back wall and in corners. Little known but some of the best speakers around. They have them from $2500 to $20,000 and will soon come out with one at $100,000.