B&&W 802 Set Up In A Small Room

OK. The Listening Room is 9 x 13 feet. Your assignment is to draw on your actual experiance with the 802's to recomend the set up that produces the most sublime musical extasy.
Joey I followed the Cardas set-up procedures nand went from there. You can call or email George Cardas At George@cardas.com howard
Cardas has his room set up proceedures on line. I have indeed found this setup to be sublime. Click on "Room Setup at this address: http://www.cardas.com/insights/index.html
Alternatively, you can try the RPG Acoustics software package that Audio Advisor is now selling for $ 99. Pretty decent for the task if you have a "cuboid" room, and let's you play around with lots of options. I've used it to set up SF Guaneri's in my small (12X14) room. Mind you, you'll still have to tweak by ear, but it does help you rule out the worst positions.