Audio Artistry Beethovens

I have just received my new Beethovens. Searching the archives I have seen notes that AA is out of buisiness, This is wrong. They still makes and sells all the line Vivaldi,Dvoraks,Beethoven etc. Audio Artistry speakers are just wonderfull! Im intrested in what amps other Beethoven users use?

Ulf from Sweden
Mr. Siegfried Linkwitz also mentioned in his website that he has had good results with Hafler, Muse, and ATI model 1504 beside Jeff Rowland and BEL gear. Is your system fully active?

The AA website doesnt mention price what do the Beethovins retail for?


Audio Artistry dont advertise and dont sell via ordinary stereo shops. The last retail when they sold via stereo shops was about 28K. Now they are cheaper since the dont advertise etc. Emajl me if you want to come in contact with AA,