Best integrated amp for Sonus Concerto

Help!! What is the best matching intregeated amp for Sonus Faber Concerto? Do I need a subwoofer to go with the Sonus Faber Concerto?
Neronian: If I may make some kind of case here.... What about the Classe CAP-151 Integrated Amplifier?? The Big Classe Integrated sounds warm, smooth and rich with the Sonus Concertos. The Classe is a 150 W/P/C High Current Integrated just in case you are interested and that kind of thing matters to you. Just a suggestion. --Charles--
Thank you for responsing to my questions. I have other problems. I have Classe Cap151, Classe Cd.3 and Sonus Concerto. I am please with my system but!! I think I need more bottom end(more bass). I am thinking to get a new pair of Sonus GrandPiano or get asubwoofer. Any suggestion?
Neronian: If you purchased your speakers from a dealer and they will allow you to trade up this would be the simplest way to go (granted that you like the sound of the GP's that are definitely not shy in the bass department IMO). You would spend at least the difference between the two speakers on a sub without necessarily achieving better synergy. I assume that you have exhausted all speaker placement options as well as room treatments that you are willing to do. Placement and treatments can have a major impact on bass. For example we just cleared a pile of clutter out of a corner in our livingroom, which resulted in an increase in bass response from my mini monitors. IC's and cables also impact bass "fullness" to some extent.