HELLO-i'm bob from miami, fl who placed a recent posting inquiring about Spkers-$4-$6,000 range/used or new to use in my 35'x30' room with pass aleph 1.2[200watts@8ohms/300/4], pass X-2pre. LISTEN TO acoustic jazz, rock,
chamber music to large scale classical music. DESIRES: detailed, but sweet;natural mid's ;good image of sound stage w/ depth;
tighter bass to at least hi 30's which can drive jazz and rock. own B&W 802 serIII
I HAD EMAILS FROM SILVERLINE CUSTOMERS RAVING ABOUT THE SONATA II. everyone uses tubes. BASED UPON EXP, would the sonata II likely work for me? also piega[used], AP-avantiIII{used}. is there any dealer or audio maniac within 100 miles who would allow an in person demo of these speakers???
there are no silverline nor piega dealers w/in 100 miles
BOB FROM MIAMI,fl-thanks for your anticipated help!!!
Ag insider logo xs@2xbob52r
I have the original Silverline Sonatas (Avalon style) with a 200 wpc Conrad johnson SS amp. It works very well and especially for accoustic music. I cannot imagine anything better. The difference between the original and MKll series is that the newer series has 2 10" woofers whereas the original had one. I have not heard the MKll but imagine the second woofer to be a good improvement since the original series were a little light on the low end. Great midrange and imaging. I think you would like them.
I think you would be very happy with a used pair of Silverline LaFolias. I have seen several on Audiogon for
$4,000-$4,500. I currently own a pair and use a tube pre and Spectron digital amp with them. I was told by Silverline that the LaFolias work extremely well with high-powered ss amps.They also have higher quality drivers than in the Sonatas.
Good luck.
Bob, maybe you can extrapolate from the following info, or narrow down yr choices... Pls note that I listen to classical music mainly and blues, so my opinion is biased in that respect. Also, it's my ears and tastes, i.e. YMMV.

First: your amps are arguably neutral, you like the sound, they're open and have driving power; so, there should be no problems getting the speakers rocking...
Of the speakers you mention, I had the Avanti & have heard the Piega. I have enjoyed both (i.e., was satisfied by the sound)partnered with the following ss amps: Symphonic Line RG7, RG4 (monos), Kraft 250 classA: "warm", euphonic, and fast transients, good tonal balance; Burmester mid-line (name?) amp: precision, clarity; YBA Passion stereo: dynamics, similar to Kraft, but slightly more neutral and less "euphonic"; ML 360(? The big 150W stereo.. I never remember the numbers): fast, bit darker than the others, I preferred it on blues than on classical.
Overall, the Kraft 250A pleased me the most with both speakers.
Both speakers had good, easy, bass response to around 40Hz in the room, with the Avanti being more demanding of positioning in order to overcome an ever so slightly analytical lower mid. The Piegas erred (for wont of a better word) slightly towards neutrality while the Avanti towards brightness -- both pleasantly so, and I may say intentionally (& thereby, achieving an excellent balance). I found the Avanti had the edge on imaging and the Piega on sense of space. Piega reminded me slightly of a hybrid stat (a good one, of course!), while the Avanti have speed and sound very phase correct, top to bottom.
Not very decisive, I know, but if you could hear one of these speakers, we can then compare notes. Cheers!