Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
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Hi Ctsooner, I use to own a Brand new Ayon cd-2s digital player, I had it less than 90 days and the power board blew along with a couple of tubes, the player actually went up in smoke before my eyes!, I sent it back for warranty repair that covered 3 years, my response was that they blamed me and wanted $300.00 for the repair, took me four months of hell demanding a full refund that I eventually got, Not to be a pun here, however, I will never own or buy another Ayon anything!
Keith, it serves you right buying a CD player from a Barbecue store! :D
@melbguy1 well I bought mine from that tube store and it was a huge debacle. No ayon cd2s for me ever again. It went bright and thin quick. The letters on the remote came off and then I got the most arrogant customer service I've ever had in my life. I wouldnt take an ayon product if the paid me to.
No news on the manufacturer front. No additional responses.

Alex from APL, as he mentioned earlier, has modified his DSD-S DAC based on my findings and is sending it back to me for further evaluation. I am sincerely humbled. His desire to improve upon his product and make it more flexible and satisfying for a larger variety of ears is impressive. I will post when it arrives.

I have also made a new purchase. I had the opportunity to acquire an Esoteric K-01 for a price that was "too good to pass up." Yes, I am aware that Esoteric just announced a new K-01x will be released shortly. But considering the reputation, extreme quality and price level that the K-01 represents, I simply had no choice but to take advantage of the opportunity.

This offers me two new opportunities. Using the K-01 as a CD transport I can now offer opinions on other DAC's through the spdif input running from a well recognized top tier spinner. I do not have an spdif cable and welcome some suggestions for reasonably priced options. (Please don't suggest a $3k cable, cuz I ain't buying it. I'd prefer under $1k to be honest.)

The second opportunity is using the K-01 as a standalone DAC for my Mac Mini. I am actually bristling with curiosity to see how my beloved ODSE compares with a $20,400 retail world class recognized digital Titan. Hang on to your panty hose Steve, cuz I'm cranking up the competition. Lol.

My other option in that same price range, but not quite as good a deal (although I didn't negotiate further because the K-01 became available) was the DCS Puccini/u-clock combo. I was talked out of it by several friends and contributors of this very thread (off thread, of course). I wish I had the $$$ to bring in both and then sell one off.

Sadly, my email to Aesthetix about an audition of the Romulus Sig bounced back as undeliverable. Can anyone PM me their email address?

CTsooner and Audiolabyrynth - I admit, I have been warned. But I have also received PM and emails that the Ayon CD players can be stellar and magical (when not self Imholating).

I'm at the point where I'm uber ahoy with my current ODSE DAC and system. And I know Steve has some upgrades coming that can make it even better. Now with my K-01 I've got a spinner and a top tier DAC to boot.

I'm not honestly looking for more, or better equipment at this time. I need to get my gear into a better room, which will be a slow 6-9 month project that I will keep you updated on. I have to openly admit that I enjoy auditioning the gear and reporting it, it has become a separate part of the enjoyment of this hobby I have developed. I get why reviewers love what they do. I will continue to pursue new DAC's and CD sources and report on them as I can make it happen. Not necessarily to improve upon my own system (which I can't imagine won't happen as a byproduct along the way), but just to have fun and keep this thread going. If anyone can arrange an audition or hook me up with someone who can, please do.

This hobby is incredible. Every time I think I've squeezed as much enjoyment out of it as possible, it gives me something else.