Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
I'm using an Electrocompaniet AW120 right now. It sounds really good. I was always a tube guy, so I need that richness in the midrange, which EC stuff has. I almost bought the EVo, but was discouraged by a Talon / Bel Canto dealer who said that the EVo has the typical solid state thin midrange (by a tube lover's standards anyway). I might try a low watt SET. These things are very efficient. I use a PS Audio 600, and it hardly shows any current at all to drive these speakers. I hear that they are very good with SETs. Any experinece with that, Philefreak or Acuujim?
Glreno--I am driving my Khorus' with Lamm 1.1 Mono blocks. If you are not familiar with this amp it is tube in the second gain stage and solid state in the others. It gives that wonderful mid bloom yet with all the authority of Krell KSA 250 in the bass combined with an Audio research VT 200 in the mids and highs. Although I am still not completely sold on the Talon's (getting closer each day) I have yet to hear amps that out do the Lamm's. They make the Khorus' sing and also my VR 6's too. Boy am I having a good time.
Glreno, I'm currently having an amp shoot out. I've owned a pair Pass Labs Aleph 2's for a while now and they are great amps. But I think that the Alephs area little soft with this speaker(Talons). I've just completed a home audition of an incredible new design that blew me away. This is of course the EVo which I've mentioned before. I think the EVo might be a liitle forward on bright, forward speakers. That's where you use the real smooth, softer Alephs. The Bel Canto is a real eye opener(ear opener). I've got a Llano Trinity 200 on the way. It's bought on a thirty day home trial, can't beat that. I've heard very positive things about the Llano amp, one thing is for sure it will do a lot to top the EVo. But I'll see(hear).
Your never ending quest to build up the Silverline products is obnoxious and a lie. I had the Silverline Sonatas and I can tell you that you DON'T get what you pay for. The cabinet work is horrible and they use vinyl and not wood veneers. The workmanship is horrible. The bottom plate ripped off mine with minimal effort! The wires inside were barely solderd. In fact two of them were just leaning against the post! The whole design was copied and silverline was sued by Avalon. In haste to make a replacement product, 2 new models were created without much thought except to raise the price. Check the market out. They are selling sonatas cheap and for good reasons. The specs don't live up to the performance. The bass is weak and un-natural. The mids are not coherent with the other drivers. Don't try and get support after the sale. I tried and was basically told I was at fault and would have to pay for everything. Try another speaker, you will thank me for this advice. Joseph audio, coincident are twice the speaker for about the same cost. Stop being ripped off by marketing scams and false specs. And certainly don't listen to the rantings of joeco and his peers. Listen for yourself and buyer beware! Mark