Watt/Puppy 6.0 vs Amati Homage vs Andra

I am looking to know the differences I can expect to hear between these speakers. I do not have the luxury of having a local dealer for 2 of these products. Only those who have heard at least 2 of these speakers need post. Please do not post other opinions that you have read somewhere. I am really looking for information from those of you who have carefully listened to these speakers. Sorry to be so harsh in my request, I just see where a lot of these threads go. :) Thanks!
i m talking about 29.4+22 combination.i listened watt puppy6 with these ones(but they will be upgrade to 29.4M AND 22M , M. means millenium).millenium amps are soo expensive.hi-fi station 2001 (biggest dealer of goldmund) in paris told me that specially the mid range of new millenium amps are much better than the old serie.but goldmund amps are best when they are with goldmud pre-amps. again for my taste with watt puppy best amps was goldmund also people saying very good match for spectral+watt puppy+mit combination.
adsal and wslam, i have only heard goldman once, for a short time. it was a couple of years ago and i don't remember which amps were used. in my local area there is no goldman dealer at this time. can you recommend any reviews of the amps you are referring to? if i get a chance to listen i will check it out, thanks.
I have not found any review on the Goldmund Millenium. They are extremely limited production. You can find out about them at
Only 50 pairs (100 mono units) will be made. Each mono channel costs USD35k.
Surprised adsal didn't get them yet! The link I put above.. the guy has TWO pairs...
29.4 are good. I listen to them 'all the time' (a few shops have them here). They are fine speakers. But my understanding is the Mill are 'way' better then the 29.4, they use a new JOB circuit which has even higher bandwidth. I am not the best person to talk to Goldmund. I never bought any Goldmund because it 'bugs' me to learn that they do NOT listen to their equip during their designing process. They based everything on 'numbers' and measurements... yet, you can't deny, they are some of the best solid state equip around.
goldmund will make new 29.4 and 22 with millenium technologie job3.Not just goldmund ,they are too many company who never listen their products(like dunlavy).
they listen or not.but when you listen if you like it,its important.
i looked at the guy with 2 millenium i would love to listen all his system.
mike,i know just one shop where you can listen all kind goldmund,its in paris.i can give you there phone if you wish