1 million dollar speaker made by Kharma

Holy, Kharma makes this speaker called the Kharma Grand Enigma Reference speakers, that cost 1 million dollars. Has anyone heard them. I doubt my Adcom Amp would sound good on them.
I KNEW that the fallout shelters built back in the 50s and 60s would eventually have a practical application!
Mr. "Leafs" and Mr "Rayhall": Not dismissing before hearing/seeing for yourself applies to just about everything in life, as you will see one day. How absurd is a Lamborghini?
Wait !!! Don't spend all your money yet !! Kharma has just announced that the Enigma Oremus II is on its way at a slightly lower retail price, but with just the same features as the Grand Enigma. The drivers are made in China to the same high standards as the units make in Pakistan, but of couse they are assembled in a U.S. factory in Mexico and therefore qualify as AMERICAN MADE. Wall Mart will be the retailer. Rave reviews to follow in Stereopile and Absolute Mound based on the amount of prepaid advertising purchased by the manufacturer. Hence the high price of the speakers. Advertising doesn't come cheap, you know???