1 million dollar speaker made by Kharma

Holy, Kharma makes this speaker called the Kharma Grand Enigma Reference speakers, that cost 1 million dollars. Has anyone heard them. I doubt my Adcom Amp would sound good on them.
Hello, just bought these speakers. After connecting 14 Mark Levison 33's in series, I felt I had enough power for these bad boys. If they think 30 thousands watts of power is enough, they're sadly mistaken. It required an illegal power generation plant in my backyard, to provide the power necessary power. I've got the cash and the moxy to see the project through. Once I got the water flowing and the generators on line, these Speakers sounded incredible. I put on a Milli Vanilli CD and Guess What, Milli Vanilli actually sounded like they were singing for real. The DEA has now asked me to transport these speakers to Columbia. We are going to use them in a new plan, to drive druglords from their hideouts. We'll hook them up and play Rosanna Bar singing the national anthem, turned up all the way, where the DrugLords are hiding. The Drug lords will never be able to take Roseanne singing. After Roseanne Barr, will play Rob Lowe singing Proud Mary
I auditioned the Kharmas at my friend's palace in Saudi Arabia. He had a dedicated listening theatre. They were absolutely stunning. One of his slaves initially had them set up wrong, so we had him executed. I couldn't get a
center listening seat, because all of them were taken up by his 133 wives, but it seemed that the imaging, depth of field, dynamics, realistic image size was without peer.

It also seemed like the sound was slightly more rich
and harmonic with my head tilted back while being fed grapes by one of his slaves. Later, I heard his home theatre system, which has five Kharmas - each wall was a speaker, plus the ceiling. When we played The Terminator on his DVD, I could feel the cold steel of Arnold's robotic grip around my throat!!

We were completely affixed to the realism of the acoustic environment, coupled with the sharpness and detail of the IMAX sized screen, until a slave interrupted us. So we had him executed. Now it was time to try SACD through
the two channel system. OH MY GOD!!! The detail, the realism, the astonishing sense of "you are there"!!! I was walking between performers and shaking hands. I even helped Kenny G play his Sax. This is a true to life, visceral,
3D experience. After we had completed our audition, my friend decided to purchase the whole system. When the Kharma team who came with the speakers to assist in set-up -handed him the bill. He couldn't believe what they wanted. So he had them executed. Kept the speakers, though.
The irony of these posts is that that John Q. Public might joke the same way about our loudspeakers. I was once laughed at for spending $2000 for a pair of speakers.
The Sultan od Brunei (sp?) might find our posts insulting.
Given the date that this thread was started, I imagine one could find a used pair for around $450K or so. A relative bargain, no? At least if you're in the same league as the Sultan - insult, or not.
4yanx - don't pay that much. I've seen them for $250K used - it made me wonder if there is something wrong with these speakers, being sold so cheap vs. retail price. Shipping was $300K though.....