Liked the Nautilus 805 but found better?

I really, really like my 805s, but, alas, the bass. I'm looking for those that fell in love, and then found something better. Opinions on the 804's have been mixed. I cant see them being $1500 better than the 805. any and all suggestions appreciated.
I audited both the N804 and N805 and agreed that the N804 does not worth the extra $1500. A good quality stand should help to improve the bass. I'm using a old pair of Foundation right now and am quite happy with the amount of bass (but that depends largely on the size of your room).
Subs are hard to integrate, and the good ones are too much. I heard the Sonus Faber Grand Piano,with some high priced Denon receiver, and despite the setup, I liked what I heard. I bet the Sonus Faber EA is nice, and they go low for the smaller speakers. The sound of the 805 is impossible to fault (in my system, anyway) above 60 hz. It's just the bass. IF I could get 10 hz lower, that's all I want. I'm not some bass junkie, it's just that some CDs are a little thin, and the B&W's REALLY show it. Like Fleetwood Mac's Rumours. Ouch. Where's the Bass?? Dire Straits' Dire Straits... same thing. I'm not married to the B&W name, I want flat bass to 40ish hz, and the same quality of driver integration that the 805 has, with the delicate treble and the air and the imaging. Crap. It's not going to happen, is it?
Gthirteen: Try a set of Vibrapods between your speakers and stands for $48.00. If they do not do the trick then send them back. I just tried some Mapleshade brass cones under my Renauds that are stand mounted and the combo sounded great. It added bass and smoothed out the sound even more so on strings and such. I am undecided on the added smoothness but the LF's did sound good to me. I cannot leave them that way though because it is too precarious a set up with pets and other people around the speakers and stands. I tried a set of Vibrapods after the cones and they increased the bass as well.
I'm a not sure this will be helpful to you, but I can share several things that have enhanced my Nautilis 805's. Both Sugarbrie's stand rec's and Ohlala's sub rec's have worked well for me. I prefered the Sound Anchor 805 stands to the B&W 805 stands in my system, which is in a small room. It took a lot of placment experimentation to get the bottom-end right. Also, I have been using a REL Stadium II with the 805's, which blends well and makes quite an improvement in soundstaging. Marigo dot treatments seem to help this speaker in my system. I use one 3mm white dot on each tweeter flange (remove the wire screen to attach) at 12 o'clock and one 30 mm dot on the back center of each cabinet. The tweeter dots increase resolution/extension and the 30mm dots lower the overall noise-floor. Good luck in your search!