Liked the Nautilus 805 but found better?

I really, really like my 805s, but, alas, the bass. I'm looking for those that fell in love, and then found something better. Opinions on the 804's have been mixed. I cant see them being $1500 better than the 805. any and all suggestions appreciated.
Gthirteen: Try a set of Vibrapods between your speakers and stands for $48.00. If they do not do the trick then send them back. I just tried some Mapleshade brass cones under my Renauds that are stand mounted and the combo sounded great. It added bass and smoothed out the sound even more so on strings and such. I am undecided on the added smoothness but the LF's did sound good to me. I cannot leave them that way though because it is too precarious a set up with pets and other people around the speakers and stands. I tried a set of Vibrapods after the cones and they increased the bass as well.
I'm a not sure this will be helpful to you, but I can share several things that have enhanced my Nautilis 805's. Both Sugarbrie's stand rec's and Ohlala's sub rec's have worked well for me. I prefered the Sound Anchor 805 stands to the B&W 805 stands in my system, which is in a small room. It took a lot of placment experimentation to get the bottom-end right. Also, I have been using a REL Stadium II with the 805's, which blends well and makes quite an improvement in soundstaging. Marigo dot treatments seem to help this speaker in my system. I use one 3mm white dot on each tweeter flange (remove the wire screen to attach) at 12 o'clock and one 30 mm dot on the back center of each cabinet. The tweeter dots increase resolution/extension and the 30mm dots lower the overall noise-floor. Good luck in your search!
A few things can help immensely: a) Vibration control devices betweenn speakers and stand. Walker Points I use are excellent. Marigo dots as explained above; b) increase current to your amp. The new copper FatBoys from Electraglide are bass "oriented" c) modify crossover; d) change speakers: e.g. Audio Vienna, "Mozart", Sonus Faber "Grand Piano" Impact new speakers (see their web site)
Gthirteen, what electronics are you using? This could be the source of your bass concerns. I have a pair of Nautilus 805s, and am using Bryston amp & preamp. I've been pretty happy with bass. The Bryston gear (particularly the power amps) are known for their bass authority. A change there could give you what you are looking for. Good luck.