Wilson watt puppy 3/2 with Wow sub?

Hi, I am thinking about buying these sight & sound unseen/heard,but have never read such mixed reviews and emotions from audiophiles as Watt puppies. I know it is alway's best to listen first, but in this case it is not possible. It is either these, or Infinity IRS Beta's. Again puppies include the Wow sub. Any opinions will be greatly appreciated. Room size 20x20x12
I have Wilson Watt3/Puppy2 for over five years now. They are super once you have properly set them up and have the right electronics and cabling. I did modify the internals by adding individual Bybee components for each driver and re-wired them with Audio Note ANz internally. I think getting the WOW II is a plus. You wont need it for most music and in fact I would leave it out, but for really big orchestral pieces it does add more body and wieght at the lower octives. With poorly matched electronics and without the WOW you might hear thr Puppies give up to sounding little one-note like on those big pieces. E-mail me if you want more information on my experiences. Good luck on what ever choice you make.
I hate to be the sole dissenter in this thread but go for the Beta's. You'll need a noce old Lev 23 for the woofer panels, and bigger ARC tube amps on the panels. Get your placement down and enjoy the magic. No watt/puppy/ whow setup wil beat beta's properly amped and set up. Paul
Beemer, good in different point of view. That's why is called a chat forum. Personally, Telsscope_trade is braver than me. I wouldn't buy a speaker system I never heard. Nor, a car I never test drove. Or...