Pipedreams... Any thoughts?

Has anyone heard these speakers? Are they the best you have heard? If not, what have you heard that is better and why?
If you can handle the cost, they are by far one of the best. However you must have the up front electronics to make them sing. A vast,wide and deep sound stage is what I hear every time I have listened. Holm audio in Chicago has by far the best set-up.
I've heard them at Nicholsons Stereo in Nashville and at the Chicago Stereophile show. In Nashville they were properly set up in a large acousitcally treated room and used with Ayre electronics. I'd say it was the best system I've ever heard. In Chicago it seemed the room was too small and it was tough to properly evaluate the sound.
I listened extensively to same system in Nashville that Jschrimpf heard except with McIntosh tube pre and amplification on the towers. The experience was indeed stunning, and these were the smallest of the three lines of Pipedreams. Since, as their name implies, these speakers are designed to be heard "nearfield", I'm not certain that a particularly large room is necessary, but a dedicated room may be. One cannot stuff these speakers against a wall and sit way off somewhere off axis and appreciate what these speakers can do. Set them up correctly, and hyper critical nits aside, the experience is completely captivating.