Acoustic Energy Aegis One Speakers.

Acoustic Energy Aegis One Speakers. How Do they Sound? I just purchased a new pair and out of the box they sound really bad, Over-Bright, Grainy and Hard sounding. Any Members have any idea why the sound that way? Do they need time for break-in? The Amp i'm using is a Luxman LV-105 intergrated tube-Solid State, PS Audio CD1 CD Player,Monster 400 interconnects, and Radio Shack 16ga. Speaker cable. THANKS!!!
Hey Guys, Thanks for all the help. I'm going to try some new cables, interconnects and the 100 hour break-in time. THANKS!!!
Lpsforever: You may want to look into the Mapleshade Clearview Golden Helix speaker cable and their less expensive IC's as well. The speaker cable is $85.00/8ft pair or $115.00/12ft pair and the IC is $65.00. I use their more expensive digital IC and it is a steal at it's asking price, very musical cable. The cables are somewhat delicate but this should not be a problem with most installations. You can check out the line at and they have a 30 day return policy.
I am experiencing the same brightness and slight graininess with my brand new Aegis One speakers. I will let them break in for 100 hours and report back. I am using silver cables from Tributaries and was wondering if copper might be better?