Amps for Dynaudio ?

What would be a suitable amp for : 1. Dynaudio Confidence 3 2. Dynaudio Contour 1.3 SE ?
There is a large contingent of people who feel that Krell amplification tied to Dyanaudio speakers via Transparent cables is an excellent match. Even the small Dynaudios really like power - I'd go for at least 200w/c for either of the models you mention. Depending on your budget and your willingness to accomodate one of the heavy-duty Krells, you'll probably like the effects of having it on your sound (ie. the 250w/c monoblocks as opposed to the KAV-250).

There are others who think Krell is the most over-hyped piece of crap they've ever experienced. I have the KAV-250 driving the Contour 3.0's and would love to move up to the 250Mc's driving the Confidence 3 or 5's, so I'm not one of them.

I have the Condifence 5 dirven by a BAT VK500 with BATPAK. The VK500's tuby sound warms up the analytical(EXTREMELY accurate) nature of the Dynaudios and provides all the power and control you could want.
I have a Sim W5. It is a great amp. I know that Sim Audio and Dynaudio have formed a partnership. I think the combination is worth checking out. I find that the W5 has the best qualities of the Krell amps, and in direct comparison to the KAV250, was much smoother and less fatigueing.
In Canada, Simaudio is the importer for Dynaudio speakers, and I have heard several Dynaudio models (from Audience line all the way up to the Evidence) and they all sound spectacular (especially the Simaudio W-10 monoblocks driving the Evidence). Dynaudio speakers need amps with some authority, and although the higher Krell models certainly have that, the Simaudio W-5 will get you there for less money. I recommend the W-5 for either the Confidence 3 or Contour 1.3SE. Good luck!