Will ARC VT-100 Mk. II drive ProAc 3.8's.

ProAc 3.8's according to the ProAc web site are 88db at a nominal impendance of 8 ohms. I play all types of music at a high volumn. Room is 11x17x8. Would like to drive ProAc 3.8 with one Audio Research VT-100. Can't borrow speakers from dealer, no ProAc dealer in my state. If I need to I will use two VT-100's. Has anyone tried the 3.8's with one or two ARC VT-100's. Please let me know how it sounded.
I love my ProAc 3.8s. They are natural, nuetral yet very revealing. They are not 'in your face' at all. I was using a Rogue 66 (60wpc) and the sound was great. However, it ran out of steam a louder volume levels. I traded it in and got an Accuphase P-450 (200+wpc) and now have no problem driving them to any reasonable volume level. I miss the tube sound however. In your room, I would recommend you go with one VT-100. If you need more power, you might get another one later and go dual mono. The VT-100 should have significantly more balls than the Rogue 66 I was using in a similar room.
VT-100 is magic with 3.8 -In fact, Proac uses ARC to "voice" their speakers...
That is what I am using and I am truly happy with the combination. I was using a Bryston 4B-ST that is rated 250 watts at 8 ohms. I don't miss the extra power that the bryston had. What I gain was a smoother amplifier that does wonders with vocals. So my answer to your question is grab the Audio Research VT 100 MK II, you will be very happy with it. Now I am not playing music that loud though but the sound does fill the room.
One of the best systems I have heard was at a friend house who was driving ProAc 3.8's w/ one ARC VT-100 Mk. II directly connected to a Wadia 860x (balanced) all Cardas Golden Reference. The room was similar to your dimensions. I like the system so much that it inspired me to purchase an ARC VT-50 (baby brother to the VT-100) for my ProAc 1SC monitors. My room is smaller so I didn't need all the power the VT-100 offered. Personally, I really like the synergy of the ARC amps w/ ProAc speakers. I have heard that ProAc actually voices their speaker to ARC gear....not sure how true this is though. Godd luck....