Another 2,000 Speaker Question

First off, let me say that I am not an audiophile, but a music lover (which means I need help!). I would like to start building my system by replacing the (mostly junk) I have currently with a quality system. Unfortunately, I am also not near a good high end dealer. The listening room is rectangular, but the speakers would fire across, not down, the room. I listen to blues, rock, acoustic music, some jazz, but little classical. I recently read a review in Stereophile regarding the Magnepan 3.6 speakers; while those are out of my price range, I often see the 3.5's used for about 2,000 or so. What are your thoughts regarding the 3.5's vs. the 1.6 Magnepans? I currently have a McIntosh amp, which will eventually have to be replaced (sooner rather than later if I go with the Maggies due to their power requirements) Does anyone have any thoughts regarding non-electrostatics in this price range, such as the PSB GOlds or Paradigm 100's? Also, have you had success with used components and their value vs. brand new product lines? Any help is appreciated.
How about a PMC FB1?It is a two way floorstanding model but it's frequency response is 22hz-20khz.Best matching amp is a Bryston,PMC and Bryston combo is used in a lot of studios to monitor sound.
I just want to thank everyone for their help and advice concerning my choice of speakers. I have opted to purchase the JMR Trente loudspeakers. Since I an a newbie, I will probably opt for a CD player and integrated amp to keep the purchasing decisions as simple as possible. I have gotten strong recommendations for the Audio Refinement CD player. Thanks again for the help!
PMC FB1 speakers are just incredible. Tight tuneful bass down to 25 hz. Smooth highs with incredible extension and a highly detailed midrange. Dynamics are a real strong suit of the FB1 with imaging a close second. If Stereophile reviews these speakers there's gonna be a lot of peeved off high priced speaker manufacturers. These make a natural synergy with Bryston components. Read the reviews at
With regards to the Newform - I have a pair of the discontinued 840 or 845 I forget - I will not criticize their sound but they are not much to look at enough so my wife said bring them somewhere else. They are now in an elementary music class where looks don't matter and they have been fired up everyday - 7 hours a day - they are very sturdy in that regard.