Any experiences with Harbeth monitor 40?

hi, there,
I was offered a pair of Harbeth monitor 40, please provide
any information regards to these speakers? thanks a bunch.

Timchen, I will be glad to help you out on this one. The 40's are way too big and cumbersome. You will not enjoy them at all. I have a pair of the Harbeth Compact 7ES on order, which would be much more managable and less power hungry. In the spirit of brotherly love, I would be willing to trade you, even. Like the old Bud commercials, "I LOVE you, man!" [:)] Enjoy. Charlie
Danvetc, indeed, monitor 40 is a little bigand need roon for it to breath. It is about the size of Spendor S100(mine),so I may give it a try. I will post some thoughts after I get familiar with it. thanks.

I'll let you know as soon as mine arrive:) The HL7ES's are nothing short of amazing. They are the best "mini" monitors I have ever heard, period. I can only imagine how good the Monitor 40's must be. Someday, if I am lucky :)