Need Speaker Recommendation 1600

I'm searching for a pair of main floor standers and matching center channel for an msrp of about $1600(not including center). I listen to about 60/40 home theater/music. I kind of like the idea of a built in sub woofer, to save floor space, but am not dead set on it. So far I've heard good things about Paradigm Monitor 90P's, Klipsch KLF 20, Vandersteen 1&2 C, and a few others. Any recommendations will be appreciated.

I am currently selling a pair of Snell Acoustic E.5mk II's and a pair of Snell Acoustic QBX 25 speakers. Both are floor standers and are incredible speakers for the price. The E.5's are $2000 retail I am selling for $1500 in factory sealed boxes w/ full warranty. The Qbx 25's are in factory sealed boxes they retail for $1200 and I am selling for $900 w/ full factory 5 year warranty.

Alon II.There are several pair available here and on Audio Review at around 1K used. Hear before you buy anything else!
A friend bought a pair of Diva's 5.1. I was very impressed. Your budget would afford the 6.1, which I have not heard, but bassed on the 5.1, I think they would be hard to beat for the money. You can try these risk free (except for shipping expense) and hear for yourself--always the best thing with speakers.
At $1K, I agree with Tracer's recommendation for the Alon IIs, they have a nice open sound and very good bass extension. If you can bring them out a little from the wall in your setup it would be a plus, as they have an open baffle and benefit from being away from the wall. At the price you're looking at you may be able to get lower bass, but I don't think it would be as good as the Alons' bass.