Maggie 1.6QR vs 3.6R and Room Size

I've recently moved house and my new listening space is 60'x32'.
I'm using a small monitor speaker (QLN Signature Splitfield II's) and they do a fair job in this larger room, but not great, which is understandable given their small dimensions.
I'm looking at Maggies as the probable choice for an upgrade, but I'm leaning toward the 1.6QR due to cost. My budget is around $4, so if I went for the 3.6's I wouldn't have much left for amplification (current amp is a CJ CAV 50 integrated).
So the question is this: will the 1.6's work in this size room, or should I wait and get more cash together for the 3.6's?
What kind of results might I expect with the there a possibility of ribbon problems when playing at spl's high enough to charge this size room?
Also, does anyone have experience of using the 1.6's with 50w tubes like the CJ CAV?...if this is too small, can anyone recommend a good tubed partner for the 1.6.

I do not have the opportunity to audition these speakers, so would have to commit and buy a used pair on AG then hope for the best.

Lastly, I have a pair of Apogee Caliper Signature II's that have some ribbon damage on one speaker...does anyone think it might be better going through the hassle of having these repaired? do they perform in a large room and how do they compare against the 1.6QR

So many problems, so many questions!!

Many thanks in advance for input and insight from a knowledgable audiophile.

You can buy 3.5s for $1600 if you get lucky, they are supposed to be quite good as well.
I haven't compared the 1.6s to the 3.6s directly, but they are generally similar in power consumption, from what I understand. And I do have direct experience with the 3.6s, powered by a CJ MV60. This was definitively NOT enough power to power the 3.6s in a room that was less than a third the volume of your room. (Call it 16 x 24 x 15' high.) The shortcoming was NOT just in the mushy and weak bass. Transients like symbols clipped badly, and I even had trouble with classical trumpet solos.

If the volume was down and nothing stressed the amp, the sound was just about the best I've heard (including a couple of $120K systems). But across my 5 test CDs, I hit the wall on power about a dozen times, without even trying to push the volume.

Based on this experience, I'd be very surprised if you could make either of the Maggies work in that room with just 50 wpc, even though those are really quality watts.
Thanks for all of the great input!

I was particularly interested to note Phil's comments having used the Maggies with the Innersound ESL...what did you think of that pairing? Does the ESL do everything the manufacturer claims it will do with planars? You apparantly sold your ESL/Maggie pairing, so it must have had some shortcomings?

Anyway, I think I'm going to tread water for a little while and get more cash together for the 3.6' seems from the concensus that these are worth the extra over the 1.6's and I really want to make the most of the new room/space that I have.
Incidentally, for anyone not having heard music in a larger listening environment, it is really incredible. Even when the components are not up to the task of filling a larger room, the benefits are still very alluring. I didn't realize exactly how much the room impacts the sound of a hifi system. In my old room (22x12) I had made some basic acoustic treatments to catch rear and sidewall reflections, and figured the sound was reasonably 'treated' and I was hearing the best that my system could reproduce. Now with the same system in a much larger room, without any treatments whatsoever, the sound is amazing. Staging and imaging are perhaps most effected by sidewall reflections in smaller spaces, without a sidewall in close proximity, the sound has just opened up with the illusion of a stage width somewhere around 18' - 22' on some recordings, which puts the performers right there in the room. The main downside is that the stage height is too low, vocals seem to eminate foward at around a 4 feet height, which gives the impression of Hobbit sized performers - Luciano Pavarotti is no Hobbit!!
Bass is also seriously lacking, which is no real surprise.

Anyway, I appreciate the input and will be checking this thread to see if any other Maggie users have ideas and suggestions about how to get the most out of a larger listening space, on a fairly tight budget ($4k). I'm also intrigued by the idea of using a horn speaker, though I've never heard horns before. I've heard such mixed reviews of the Avantgarde speakers, but perhaps there are others that may be more acceptable and affordable.

Many thanks again!
If you're interested, you definitely should listen to horns. Horns are something that you either love or don't, which is why you get such mixed reviews. The good thing about horns, in your case, is that they typically are so efficient that you can drive them with a flea, let alone your CAV-50.

My direct experience with horns is limited to Klipsch, quite a while ago, and AvantGarde Duos. They aren't my taste at all: they are very, very present and "in your face", and I prefer a generally more distant presentation. And the Duos didn't sound quite as, I guess, transparent as my ML panels. Given that you seem to have the same sort of taste Magnepans as I have, you may not like the Duos either.