Hales System II Signature


Is anyone familiar with the (older) Hales System II Sigs? I know that at one time, they were on the Stereophile Class A list (with the Muse subwoofers) but I'd like information about possible amps/preamps to partner with them and any other setup information. Thank you.
Thanks for the updates on the System II. Would either of you know if they would work with tube amp and what their efficieny was. Right now, I'm using them with a Classe DR6/DR15 combo but would like to look into tube amps. Thanks again.
I also have system 11 sig's. They work well with my Rowland model 8. Have also heard them with Classic 60 ARC also very smooth.
Sadly this speaker seems to be getting some bad press recently on some of the chat rooms.
I have compared it against most of the other speakers in Hales line and against NHT's, Von Schweikert 4.5s and various other lines including electrostatics. IMHO they are superior to all of the above.With or without the Muse sub.
Speakers with ceramic domes or tioxid domes seem to have more upper end air and extension and most of the BIG speakers like Dunlavy's have far more bass extension but that's it.
I wasn't aware of the negative publicity on chat rooms (which
chat rooms, anyway). I just remember that these were Class A on the Stereophile list for a while and got 3 stars in TAS a few years back. Would anyone have the specs. on these speakers (ie efficiency, etc.)?
check out some of the threads on Speaker Asylum... If my memory serves me right these speakers are 89db efficient.
They weigh in at 181 lbs each, the front baffles are supposedly four inches thick and the sides are two inches thick. The drivers are two Dynaudio 17W7's in a D'Apploito config with an MB Quart titanium tweeter.Mine are finished in walnut, unsure if any other finishes were offered.
i had a pair years ago. i think they are damn good. i still have not figured out the muse deal yet. i tryed two of them one with the 2s one with sound labs. i had the cards and every thing. i feel the muse subs have one note bass. the hales need good tubes ,and the sound great. they might miss a little in the bottom but everything has some compromise.