Monitors are falling

I am soliciting advice ... opinions even ... on what to do with my rig. My stand mounted B&W CDM-1SEs were almost the victim of a knock down over the weekend ... by my wife of all people. This started the 'this is a living room not a media room' diatribe. Insult to injury is the fact that our first child is on the way. I beg you for suggestions ... ideas tto make the CDMs more stable or a really nice floor stander that I can get into in the $1,000 - $1,500 used range. All opinions are welcome and appreciated.
Find a way to bolt your stands to the floor (most stands should be easy to retrofit to suit this need). Speakers could be bolted or screwed to the stands, though the clay like stuff that I use (4 peas sized balls) makes it very difficult to remove the speakers from the stands (it takes a great deal of strength and twisting to remove them). I have Target (think that they are HR) stands which are filled with sand and lead and my wife has walked right into one of them without knocking it over, though with small childred I would again bolt (or screw) them to the floor. Spikes could still be used and the bolts or screws would just draw the spikes into the floor as much as is needed. I do not know how this would effect the sound, but it should still be better than other options.
My friend the father of two has a pair of speakers with all sorts dimples in his woofers. I suspect the tipping isn't the only problem your going to have in 2-3 years. Maybe wall mounting is something you should consider. On a more important note: congratulations to you and your wife on your good fortune.
Dekay: They ain't the cute dimples of a baby. Its a shame because they're a pair of those Rogers speakers - classics. But whenever I go over there, see them (the speakers)then him and his kids, nuff said.
Get a good stand like Atlantis Reference (4 pillar), very heavy even unfilled, then fill them with silica sand and or shot. Use the spikes. Then go to your hardware store and buy stick tack, same stuff as Audio sells but for about $2. One package usually does it. Put a small ball of the stuff on each corner of the stand then place the speaker on top and gently push down. Short of bolding it down to the floor this would be your best defense.