Audio Artistry Dvorak.Any users?

Im planning to wrigth a test (altough I have som problems with my english-living in Europe) I consider the Dvorak on of the best speakers of all time. If you partner it with good amps,CDP and cables /Ayre,Muse CDP,Silversmith cables/ it gives you better sound that the Popular BW 801,JMmezzo utopia and Magenpan 3,6 in my opiniom.It even bets the Amatis!! It would nice to hear other owners comments and what equipment they use!
thanks for your input all!
I agree with you Dweller that the speaker gets better and better w better equipment (and thank for tilt tips). With the new Ayre V1x it was fantastic. Since BEL has been a reference for AA people I bet that its sounds good (bel is not sold here in Europe-btw has the new Bel balanced in and outs and whats the price in US?) Im a little bit puzzled that you got so good results with mixing amps-here in Scandinavia the few AA owners agrees on that some of the magic disapear if you dont use exactly the same amps for mains and subs!Kurt do Y really listen 25 feets away from the spkers.You must have big room! What distance do you have between your spkrs ?
Ulf, that is the distance between the is long and unfortunately not very deep, 10 feet. have them toed-in slightly, and achieve nice width and depth staging at that separation distance. kurt
I read a post on Audio Asylum by a BillC stating that Audio Artistry is out of business. BillC are a audiopress reviewer. According to my knowledhe Aufio A i still alive and well. Anyone w more information on this subject!