Magnepan 3.6r or Apogee Divas?

There is a pair of Apogee Diva's (and coincidentally Duetta 2's) nearby for sale. I have just heard the Magnepan 3.6r in an excellent room with new Macintosh 501 monos (sounded excellent). However, I do not have experience with the Diva's or Duetta's. How sonically comparable are these speakers (Maggie vs. Apogee) in your exerience? Is service a problem for the Apogee's now they are no longer in production? Thanks to all for your advice!
I have apogee caliper signature II's and Magnepan 3.6R, and the Maggies are way better than the calipers. I know the calipers are not Diva's, but it's the closest comparison I can give you. Maggies are also very amp dependant, I've been through quite a few amps, each time you unveil a little more of their potential. They are great with tubes, but Cary V12 Monoblocks at 200/watts do not provide enough power. I'm using a Krell FPB200 which has the power but not the warmth and finesse that is needed.

I used to own Apogee Stages and ran them with a Krell amp. I now have Maggie 1.6 and use a McCormack amp. I much prefer the later combination.

Of the 3 different models of Apogees I have heard in my life (Diva, Duetta, Stages), I always found them to have a very narrow sweet spot. They were exciting speakers for sure and tended to give me "goose bumps" more than the Maggies (1.6 or 3.6), but that said, the Maggies are easier on the ear and draw me emotionally into the music more. My McCormack (DNA-1) amp tends to add to this with a warmer sound even though solid state in design. You should definitely talk to Steve McCormack at SMc Audio about the mods for his amps. Many here on the AGon are thrilled with the sound of them for the price. His amps will drive the Diva's or Maggies with grace and ease.

Good Luck,

Thanks to all for the responses. There is a pair of Diva's up on Ebay right now from a guy who lives near me (he's a really decent guy - hope he does well with the auction). The Diva's had very good bass response and could put out more volume than I ever heard Maggies put out (although I haven't heard the 20.1's). However, I felt the upper mid-range and treble to be a little veiled relative to the Maggie 3.6R's. This could be the room though...Sounds very, very good...Thanks again! Bob
Buy the Diva, put a couple of H2O amps behind them, and you will never look back.

I would also go with the Apogees over the Maggies.

The Apogees have so much potential - but you do have to
set them up properly since they are more setup sensitive
than the Maggies.

If you don't optimally setup the Apogees - they could easily
lose to the Maggies, which are more tolerant of poor setup.

But setup the Apogees properly, provide them with the
amplification they need - and the Maggies can't touch them.

Dr. Gregory Greenman