Where have all the protest songs gone?

In light of all the problems the world faces today it occured to me that no one in the folk scene or heaven forbid the rock world are writing songs about war,famine,and you can fill in whatever ills you please into the garbage heap.Has the music arts become so safe and sterile and corporate that no one can hear their still small voice and raise it?
small voice seems to be very small, much less a choir. not coming through on my frequency either. kurt
Well, we're about to go to war and the President has asked everybody to keep shopping in the name of national security in order to pay for the effort. Everybody is at the mall shopping doing their damnest to do their duty.

The answer my friend is strolling in the mall...
The answer is strolling in the mall...

blah, blah, blah
I remain,
Steve Earle can throw together a pretty good protest song. Not exactly mainstream, but I recommend you give him a listen.