Best DIY isolation for speakers stands

I heard about ball berings, mouse pads, drawer pullies...etc. Which one is working best for YOU?
Gunbei, I try and blow my nose on tissue paper not my speakers and I'm not sure your friends would like the aesthetics, you being an artist and all. I went to Home Depot and bought two of the densest floor tiles to uncouple the stands from my carpet. I also bought vinyl self adhesive squares, can't think of the name, floor protectors? I'm using them between the stands and speakers.
Wirehead, it never fails...whenever I have to blow my nose a tissue is nowhere to be found. But I always seem to be around my speakers. I like your Home Depot fixes. Maybe I'll give them a try. A person only has so much mucus.
I use glass table top separators. You know the stuff you put under the glass so it wont stick to the wood underneath. They are very dense, yet give enough under the weight of the speakers.