Best Value Speakers??

Hello, I'm going to soon begin the search for some speakers. Anyways, I've checked out the various companies and it seems like you pay so much for the name of the speaker and the quality of the cabinet.
I don't care anything about those two elements! Basically, I'm looking for a no frills kind of speaker where you're just paying for the musical attributes of the speaker and nothing else kind of like NAD products(lol). What brand of speaker do you think offers the most bang for the buck? All input is welcomed!
I have a pair of used Spica TC 50’s and I agree with Aisip’s post. The Spica 50’s are without a doubt the best deal I have ever gotten in the audio world. I have tried three amps with them: Krell FPB 200, Jolida SG 102 and finally with the Jolida JD 1000. Ok this is going to sound like the 3 Bears. The 200-watt Krell was much to powerful and the 20-watt Jolida was a little weak on the bottom end but the 100-watt Jolida is just right. I have had speakers that cost many times what these cost and still could not produce the bass like the TC 50’s I paid $275.00 + shipping a few years ago and smile every time I hear them.
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I agree with Drubin and Sd re Vandersteen speakers as being great value(s). Specifically, I would recommend the 2Ce sig., MSRP $1500. Cheers. Craig
Maggie 1.6QR vs. Vandy 2CE SIG vs. Meadowlark Kestrel; I ought the Kestrels. JMHO, YMMV, LMNOP.
Bang for buck? I'd have to say Paradigm. Unbelievable value for the money. I have a pair of Monitor 5v2's bought new for $475. Smokes many higher priced speakers I've owned through the years. While there are many great speakers on the market, I don't any touch Paradigm for "value" on the dollar.