Tube Friendly Speakers

I need a pair of speakers that my 25w per channel monos can handle, one of my audio pet peeves is an underpowered speaker, so I need something that 25 watts can really move, I am trying to keep it under $2000 new, I've thought about trying the Triangle Antal xs but I have no where to audition them, any other recommendations
my current room is somewhat large (20'Wx30'l) and my amps are quicksilver monos, I realize I'm not going to be able to fill the room with this much power but I'm sure one day my equipment will be in a fairly small room again as it always has been, my musical preferences center around acoustic, folk, rock and jazz, thanks for the suggestions
I use kef reference 3.2 with a 30watt lavardin. Know they work well with the 20 watt jadis monos. love the sound. Also try to hear

Living voice avatar and avatar obx (fantastic)
Audiophysic Virgo (great imaging but edgy)
Vandersteen Model 1 should work good with your amps. The larger Model 2's need more power. You will probably need to use a revealing speaker cable to get the best results.
You might want to try and audition the Soliloquy 5.3's and the Silverline Sonatina's. Both have kind impedence curves and should give your push/pull amps a break. I listened to them at different dealers, so I cannot really compare the two, but both were very good speakers. The Sonatina sounded very similar to the Sonata (to me anyway), though a larger room would probably widen the gap between them.
Meadowlark Kestral Hotrods. $ 1500 new, and you see them used in the 1k range. I'm driving them with a 45 watt, CJ MV52 and they are great in a 12x18 room with 12x12 alcove - yes, the dreaded L shape room. They go plently loud for me, and sound superb, YMMV. Prettier than the Vandy's, which I've owned too.