recommended speakers for SET amp?

I'm seriously considering a (Zen) SET amp. Since it only puts out about 5w it obviously requires very efficient speakers ideally along the lines of 95+db (which I don't currently have).

I'm looking for suggestions for a fast, full range 'floor tower' (no teeny 'bookshelf' type) speaker in the $1000 range. I'm thinking I'll have to go the used/auction route to meet that price range. I'd love some Planars (maggie MMG's) but apparently they just aren't sensitive enuf (87 db)

My listening room is approx 12 X 20 and I'm not much inclined to go with the physically large horn speakers (which seems to be the 'recommended' route some take with SET amps).

My musical tastes lean toward to female vocalists (Joan Osborne, Emmy lou Harris, Holly Cole, Ricky Lee Jones etc.), small piano/horn Jazz groups (Foreplay, Roy Hargrove, Kiko Sumato, etc.), 'contemporary' (Lyle Lovett, Paul Simon, Madonna) and eclectic 'world music' (Baka Beyond, Gregorian chant, etc.)

While I don't currently have a TT (only have an Ah! Tjoeb CD as my source) I do plan to drag out my vinyl eventually.

Any advice/suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.
I am currently auditioning a paid of Zen Sig. mono-blocks and am mightily impressed with not only the sound but the build quality and customer support from Steve and everyone else at Decaware. I think you are being a bit generous with the 5wt rating, Steve told me the actual RMS is around 3 watts max. However!! I am using 86db Proac Responce 2.5s and these damn little things and driving them amazingly well. The Proacs have an easy impedance load but Decware says the important thing with their amps is the sensitivity of the speaker. I can hear the problem my Proacs are giving the amps, too insensitive. If I keep the Zens I'll have to get new speakers, and on and on it goes, this desease of ours. By the way, the Zens, at 3 wts, drive my speakers better than a highly regarded 2A3 monblcok with 5wts and almost as good as a 35wt push/pull design I'm also auditioning.
I don't have any advice on SET speaker matching, but I do have the full-sized maggies, and I can predict that these would be poor canidates for SET. I tried to drive my MG3.5R's originally with an amp I love for more efficient speakers- the single-ended [transistor]PASS Aleph 5 and they just couldn't produce bass or dynamics. I'm now running BiAmp'd Bryston 4B'(thats 2-200wpc amps) and although noticeably better, still can't seem to get enough dynamics and am looking for more power or other speakers.- The magneplanar approach would appear to favor much more power than I think you will be able to deliver with the Zen.
The sensitivity of the SIlverLine Audio "Sonata"is 95db as well as there "Sonatina speaker is 94db and they work great with set amps
You might look into the Von Schweikert DB100 specifically designed for set amp.Very very efficient. Go to
dekay - Yes, for the quality I'm looking for (in my price range) the Klipsch's 'mini horns' are an obvious and good candidate. FYI, the Zen I'm buying is the Zen Select. Later (after speakers) I plan to buy a second Zen and strap them both as monoblocks. I've also been perusing the high efficiency speaker forum on audioasylum but it appears to be focused on DYI. Unfortunately I just don't have the cabinetry/woodworking skills (or patience) to attempt a 'scratch' DYI speaker.

tomryan - you were correct in that I was being generous in assigning 5w to the Zen SET Triode amp. It's what happens when you combine memory recall with old age ;). I'm hoping I can get by with my current speakers for now (90'ish db) but I'm fully expecting the Zens to illuminate their insensitivity (and as you say, thus it continues....).

Thanks to all for the suggestions... I'll be checking them out. Keep em coming!