BW Nautilus 802, blow away Nautilus 803

I got to tell you, I heard the BW Nautilus 802 speakers and the BW Nautilus 803 speakers last week. The Nautilus 802 speakers are light years better then the Nautilus 803 speakers. On the 803 speakers, the bass is terrible. It did not blend in at all, with the Yellow Kelvar midrange driver. Also, I felt the 803 speakers were to laid back. Then at the Stereophile show, I heard the Nautilus 802 speakers. The Nautilus 802 speakerssounded incredible. The midrange was amazing. It sounded so sweet and articulate. The bass was fast and tight. I also notice, the Nautilus 802 and Nautilus 803 speakers use a different crossover. On the 802 speakers, the 2 8 inch woofers basically act as subs and send the bass to the yellow midrange driver. You will notice, if you put your ears to the 802 speakers, all the sound basically comes out of the Yellow midrange driver. No sound comes out of the 2 8 inch woofers on the Nautilus 802 speakers. On the 803 speakers, the 2 6 1/2 woofers do not act as subs. They crossed it over, where you hear the midrange come out of the yellow midrange driver and you will hear bass come out of one of the 6 1/2 drivers. So it sounded like bass coming out of one of the 6 1/2 drivers and all the mids coming out of the Yellow midrange driver. I didn't like this type of crossover. The speaker sounded awkward. I like it on the the 802 speakers, where the bass and midrange come out of the Yellow midrange driver. It sounded much better like that. See i dont like it, where speakers use a woofer, where you just hear bass out of it. When i say, you hear just bass out of it. Lets say you play a song with singing and you put your ears to the woofers, you will just hear bass. You wont hear any singing or the midrange. Only bass comes out of the woofer. I like it, when the woofer acts as a sub, or sometimes, where you willhear bass and midrange come out of the woofer. I used to have these Canton Ergo 81 speakers. They used 2 8 inch woofers in a MTM design. You would basically hear bass and the mids coming out of each 8 inch woofer.This speaker sounded nice. Now if the woofer was bigger then 8 inches, like a 10 or 12 inch woofer. I wouldn't want the mids to come out of it. Another speaker that uses the same type of crossover as the BW Nautilus 803 speakers is the Legacy Focus. The Focus speakers uses 3 12 inch woofers at the bottom of the speakers, with 2 midranges and 2 tweeters at the top of the speakers. They basically had it, where the 12 inch woofers just have bass come out of them. No mids or singing come out of it, while all the midrange comes out of the midrange drivers at the top. As I was listening to the Focus, it was so obvious, the bass didn't blend it at all, with the midrange drivers at the top. I just think, when you have the woofers, just have bass come out of it, while all the mids come out of the midrange drivers, the speakers don't sound coherent. The bass doesn't blend in with the midrange drivers at the top. Legacy should have had it, where the 12 inch woofers act as subs, and send the bass to the midrange drivers at the top. That way, the bass would have blended in so much better, then the way the Legacy did it. Another speaker who does this type of crossover, like the BW Nautilus 803 and the Legacy Focus, is the Energy Veritas 2.8. I just don't like this type of crossover, where they have the woofers, just act as bass.
Doug, Doug, Doug...the two 8" drivers on the N802 are NOT "subs"; they actually cover a large portion of the midrange. These drivers are crossed over at 350Hz so if you think anything below this is sub bass maybe you need to redefine what you think sub bass actually is. If you noticed, the kevlar mid driver is VERY unique and it has virtually no excursion so how could this driver handle any significant bass frequencies? All the mids DO come out of the kevlar midrange driver because it IS a midrange driver, that's what is supposed to do. And finally both the N802 and N803 are crossed over at the SAME FREQUENCIES - 350Hz and 4kHz! You claim you don't like the "crossover" of the N803s when the most significant difference between the N802 and N803 is the cabinet. Yes, it is obvious you are an expert in crossover design, maybe next time we can discuss the benefits and hazards of 1st order designs or the sonic characteristics of air core inductors.
Blackie you must be real stupid, or just deaf. Absolutely no sound comes out of the 2 8 inch woofers on the Nautilus 802. All the midrange and bass comes out of the 6 inch kelvar midbase driver.
I guess the way to tell is to disconnect the wires going to the woofers on one speaker and compare the two.
Hi Doug, I said the reason for the 802's sounding bright was that the equipment that was being used was not well matched ("chosen"). I was not disputing anything in your observations. I would love to hear them again under better playback conditions. What about my question regarding slam and forwardness when compared to the 803's, or for that matter the 805's and the Avalon Opus?
Doug, you're kidding right??? I can just walk into my living room and put my ear up to the eight inch drivers to prove that sound does indeed come out of them. The midrange, not midbass as you refer to it, driver does not put out any bass. One explanation is that on the speaker you put your ear against didn't have jumpers to the bass units. There is no other explanation for your weird post.