Okay Trip - thanks for taking the time to give us your priories, which are: Timbre, dynamic contrast, good soundstaging over a wide area, natural-sounding deep bass, unobtrusive size and visual appeal, sounds great at medium volumes, forgiving of less-than-ideal recordings and sources, and non-fatiguing over long listening sessions.
Now I have much better idea of what you're looking for!
You have already found an excellent speaker line in the Meadowlarks. I would also suggest you look for a used Audio Physic speaker, perhaps a Step or Spark. The Vandersteens mentioned will also work well, but only you can decide if they look good enough.
The Audio Physics will give you the widest sweet spot and are the best looking. The Vandy's are the most forgiving, and the Meadowlarks the most dynamic.
cserkin@onebox.com, you also took the time to list your priorities (in order), namely: Dynamic contrast, timbre, clarity & nuance, natural-sounding bass, unobtrusive size & visual appeal, works well in less-than-optimum room or location, and superb soundstaging for a single listener. You added that you prefer a laid-back speaker. Thanks for taking the time.
Hmmmm. Generally, it's pretty expensive to combine real good dynamic contrast with a laid-back sound. I'd suggest you take a look at the smaller Soliloquy's, and also the Meadowlarks. My recollection would give the edge in dynamics to the Soliloquy's, and imaging to the Meadowlarks.
To Trip and cserkin@onebox.com, thanks for participating. And please don't take my suggestions here as being comprehensive! They are based on my limited experience. My personal first choice in this price range would be the Maggie MG-12. I don't sell any of these speakers, but I do like them all.