Avalon Eidolon for nearfield listening?

My room is only 10Wx17Dx15Dx8H (The depth of the room is unbalanced because of a pillar on one corner of the room). I am home auditioning Eidolon right now and so far really impressed. The geometry of the room and its size forces me to listen to them about 6-7ft. from them. Although I like them very much, I am wondering whether I am wasting money for such a small room and listening environment. If I went for a lower notch speaker that is better suited for nearfield/small room environment, will I get better sound than what I am hearing from Eidolons? FYI, I have listen to Avalon Eclipse also in the dealer and obviously, they are a couple of notches lower in most aspect vs. Eidolon. But I am wondering whether smaller speakers like Eclipse or Audio Physic Virgo would outperform Eidolons in my room.

Please make me your recommendations for my small room, assuming I am willing to spend up to Eidolon price for the best sound.

I am going to change my other gears to fit the speakers, so the rest of my system should not be a constraint. I am considering Goldmund amps and sources. Any one used them with Avolons?

A speaker that works well close to side walls, provided you can give it breathing room behind, is the Sound Lab Millennium-2, a full-range electrostatic. The larger Millennium-1 won't give you quite as wide a soundstage in your room, since its greater width means you can't spread them quite a far apart. The Sound Labs excel at timbre, inner harmonic richness, and nuance. The M-2's retail for twelve grand with options, which would give you plenty left over to get a really nice amplifier.

In a more conventional speaker, you might want to look into the Piega's recommended by Jtinn.

Best of luck in your quest!
I have Eidolon's in a 14w x 19l x 10h room, and they like to sit 2.5-3' from the sidewalls with reasonably significant tow-in (about 16 deg). With less tow or closer to the sidewalls, even with very extensive sound treatment, they develop some uncontrolled overhang of sound (partly due to reverb from adjacent rooms that can't be completely sealed off from the main room). I would be a little concerned about the 10' width in your room and would consider long wall placement rather than short wall. Also, I would recommend discussing with Avalon their experience in long wall/ short wall placement for a 10' dimension. They are very helpful, and also have a web site for questions. Eidolons are fabulous speakers - worth fighting for if they will work for you.
I agree with Jtinn on the Piega's. These speakers are very room friendly at half the price of the eidolon's.
CJ, you mentioned the Audio Physic Virgos, I would definitely audition these. I have not heard the Avalons, but I auditioned 25-30 speaker systems before I bought the Virgos. These are magic speakers, amazing in detail and soundstage. These were my favorite regardless of price, I listened to lots of $15,000 speakers. Trust the fact that these are far and away Audio Physics most popular speaker. They have been around at least since 1994, thousands of audiophiles have auditioned lots of speakers, they keep coming back to these. I know this is one of Singer Sound's (NYC) most popular speaker; in his ads, he is standing right above it.