Anyone herad the Audio Physic Avanti 111's?

Anyone heard the Avanti 111's. Are they really as good as the press seems to think? Do they need a big room?
They are pretty amazing with a great sense of depth and soundstaging although I did hear them half way into the room and about ten feet away from sidewalls. They were very three dimensional and open with my only criticism being that the bass was "lumpy" and lacked definition but that could have been room interaction.
I haven't personally heard them, but there is a full review in the August 2001 issue of STEREOPHILE (issue 24-8, page 77), which might be helpful to you. They were reviewed by Michael Fremer--he liked them a lot.
I would try the Virgos, you can get them new for about $4000, the Avantis will set you back $10,500. I have heard both and they are amazing in their 3D soundstaging magic and detail detail detail. Both are great for typical low level wife friendly listening volume. The avantis are more "pure" in the mid to highs, but in my view not that much different to warrant spending the cash. The Virgos are being replaced by an updated model, I hear it will run about $6000. If you can find some of the current Virgos around, I would get them, they are a fantastic value. I listened to 30-40 speakers, many in the 12-15,000 range, the Virgos were my favorite.
I have heard Virgo's on many occassions, they are good, but lack any bottom end. The Avanti 111's are supposed to be a big step up according to Framer et al. I cannot hear them anywhere near where I live, so I appreciate all feedback.
The Avanti are generally better (bass included) than the Virgos -- but need big (current) amplification to get the best out of them. Especially in the mid-bass (to MY ears, ofcourse -- yrs may differ). So, you may be looking at extra investment...

I used to have the previous model (a tad more difficult to drive than the III) and tried the following amps: Symphonic Line RG7, Pathos monos, Symphonic Line Kraft 250A, Krell 80. Best sound, by far, with the Kraft. Also highest price, by far. Great sound from the other machines, I settled for the RG7 -- but that's personal. BTW, I listen to classical.

Good luck!