what speakers do the best "disappearing act"??

what speakers do the best "disappearing act"??
I want speakers that totally envelop you in sound....so much so that it is non-directional, and sound seems to be coming from everywhere in the soundstage...

when I listen to music even with my eyes closed I can tell exactly where my 2 speakers are located and most of the sound eminates directly from them these 2 speakers..so maybe it's time to upgrade..my system is a pair of NHT 3.3, wadia 850 cdp, and odyssey monoblock amps.
I agree with Catalogwiz - Apogees (I have Stages) do the best job of any speaker I've heard under $10k.
i think redkiwi and timperry are on the money. placement is everything. i owned a pair of 2.5i's. very hard to place because of the side firing woofer. they never lived up to the audiophile rating (but that is another matter indeed). infact if you look at nht web site 2.5-2.9-3.3 are all for dedicated listening rooms. where you can space them as they were designed to be. i sold my 2.5s and bought merlin vsm-ms. big difference...in sound and price (i have never looked back). unless you have the upgrade bug...try room treatments and placement. if not audition some of the others mentioned.

good luck / oh yes...my vote is for merlins