SS amp with Merlins plinius ?

I'm planning to buy a pair of Merlins whenever an affordable used pair comes along. Meanwhile I need to get an amp. Because of baby in room I can;t go tubes. Anyone any recommendations on SS? I'm thinking about the plinius SA-100 which I've heared on other speakers and wuite impressed me. Anyone experience with that?

If you are concerned about tubes and your little one you may also want to consider the Transcendent OTL T8-LN 25 watter. The tubes are not open and exposed like many other tube amps. There is a top cover. The amp runs AB bias so it is not nearly as hot as other Class A single ended OTL tube amps, including the Atmasphere and Joule. It idles at 300 watts which is cooler than some Class A SS amps. In addition there is a two week in home trial period.

The amp costs 2.1K and I can't begin to imagine anything at the price that could touch it so far as speed, harmonic integrity at all frequencies and the isolation, spacing and air surrounding instruments and vocals without any traces of grain, hash or noise, dead silent. It is simply amazing. The bass is unbelievable for a 25 watt amp with clearly delineated lines without any overhang. You might ALSO want to talk to Bobby about it. It is absolute magic with the Merlins and I can't recommend it highly enough. I am now using it with Paul Speltz's zero autoformer which effectively raises the impedance of the speaker making it an easier load for the OTL but that is for another thread. Good luck.

I used the "little" Merlin with an all-Naim system and it was the worst sound my wife and I have ever experienced. I wish you all the luck in the world but I found the Merlin to be the most over-rated product I ever got stuck with-made my ears bleed! Unless the design has changed dramatically in the last couple years, don't go near Merlins with solid state.
Hi Edorr, for what it's worth I think tubegroover suggestion is dead on. I can't imagine any SS amp that will give you the sound that the Trancendent OTL amps offer. I hope Tubegroover dosen't get mad at me but Email him for more details. You will find him to be knowledegable, helpful and a very nice guy. I hope you find the sound you are looking for. Good hunting.
Hey Lindisfarne is your moniker after the English group from the late 60's and 70's? Loved that group.

I can't speak for the Naim/TSM combo but the VSM-M offers the best combination of smoothness, tonal balance and resolution I've ever heard from any dynamic speaker. They are completely and utterly unfatiguing in my system. One man's opinion, of course but many agree. I certainly haven't heard them all but can't imagine that the best of the rest of the competition could be too much ahead of this design but others may prefer a different presentation. Ear bleeders their not.
Hey Lindisfarne...did it ever occur to you that it could be the fault of your Naim equipment?

Just playing devil's advocate. After all...everyone has their own opinions, you know.