SS amp with Merlins plinius ?

I'm planning to buy a pair of Merlins whenever an affordable used pair comes along. Meanwhile I need to get an amp. Because of baby in room I can;t go tubes. Anyone any recommendations on SS? I'm thinking about the plinius SA-100 which I've heared on other speakers and wuite impressed me. Anyone experience with that?
Hi Edorr, for what it's worth I think tubegroover suggestion is dead on. I can't imagine any SS amp that will give you the sound that the Trancendent OTL amps offer. I hope Tubegroover dosen't get mad at me but Email him for more details. You will find him to be knowledegable, helpful and a very nice guy. I hope you find the sound you are looking for. Good hunting.
Hey Lindisfarne is your moniker after the English group from the late 60's and 70's? Loved that group.

I can't speak for the Naim/TSM combo but the VSM-M offers the best combination of smoothness, tonal balance and resolution I've ever heard from any dynamic speaker. They are completely and utterly unfatiguing in my system. One man's opinion, of course but many agree. I certainly haven't heard them all but can't imagine that the best of the rest of the competition could be too much ahead of this design but others may prefer a different presentation. Ear bleeders their not.
Hey Lindisfarne...did it ever occur to you that it could be the fault of your Naim equipment?

Just playing devil's advocate. After all...everyone has their own opinions, you know.
sorry for your experiences, but you simply didn't experiment w/ the merlins enough.

i'd have said the same thing, until i tried enough products w/ them to make them sing. i'd be hard pressed to find a better match to my VSM-Ms than my SS 350a.

bottom line: merlins DO work w/ SS, just not all SS. (like any other speaker)

(i didn't have room for the T-8s, and i'm afraid of reliability issues w/ tube amps).

is the Pathos Twin Towers. Absolutely STUNNING with the Merlin VSM's. Only 35w/ch but it is a tube/ss hybrid which operates in pure class A. Another bonus is that the Pathos is one of the most beautiful pieces of audio gear in the world IMO (if that sort of thing is of any importance to you).