Active Linn Katans

I wonder if anybody has any experience with Katans active using a LK-85 for treble and a Majik for bass? I found the system to be bass heavy and when compared with an active setup using two LK-85:s there is a huge tone difference. My problem is that tunewise the systems don't differ much... the two LK-85 being just a notch ahead of the Majik/LK-85 combo. At low to average volume levels the extra bass feels nice (but is it supposed to be there?????).

Is there a gain incompability between the stereo cards and the mono cards? (I have the new mono cards). Or is there a problem using the Majik (which is a different kind of poweramp compared to the LK-85) together with other Linn amplifiers? Or am I just going nuts and should go home, buy a $200 amplifier, turn the bass control to max, press the loudness button and enjoy all the bass??

The tunedem method is great, but what do you do when you have too systems that compare well to each other, but have a completely different tone balance? Which is correctly reproducing what's _on_ the record???


I'm not sure I understand the entire nature of your post. I think you are trying to say you have too much bass. If so, you should try to reposition them away from walls and especially corners. I have the Aktiv Keilidh's and without going Aktiv they are flat to 70 Hz. By going Aktiv they are flat to 40 Hz. Also, go listen to some live music. I think you will find the tonal balance of your Aktiv setup is very close to the real thing.

I have no knowledge of the Majik/LK-85 vs. two LK-85's differences. I do know that all Linn amplifiers have the same gain so this really shouldn't be part of the problem. Also, the cards should behave identically whether stereo or mono. I had communicated directly with Linn about using two LK-240's for the treble and my LK-100 for the bass. They advised that would be great. What I ended up using were two LK-100's (one for stereo treble, one for stereo mid/bass) being more cost effective.
I'm sorry for not being clear about my problem. You understood me correct though Lugnut. :)

The thing is that the two different setups sounds very different, which I don't think they should. Just by changing the bass amp to an LK-85 changes the tone of the system to a brighter one compared to the Majik.

The Katans change their frequency responce from (on the low end) 75 Hz to 60 Hz when active. When I originally went active (with the Majik) I repositioned the speakers and by moving the Katans out from the wall the bass decreased... Ok, now if I try to move the Katans closer to the wall when using the LK-85 for bass the bass should come back... Hmmm, I've got to go home and try that one out!!

Still, one wonders why the tonal balance is so different between the amps.

The first thing that comes to mind is whether the amps, left and right, are hooked up correctly when using the LK-85's. There really shouldn't be any difference except at higher volumes. If you installed the cards yourself, I'd start looking inside the bass amp and checking things out just to be sure. I'm unfamiliar with the LK-85's having not owned one. I do remember though that when I looked at my Aktiv card documentation that the cards are amp specific. You can get mono cards that work in some stereo amps as well as mono amps. But not all cards work in all amps. If you purchased these used I'd check the documentaion to see if they are in fact compatable with your amp. Good luck and you can email me through Audiogon anytime. Maybe we can figure this thing out for you.