Active Linn Katans

I wonder if anybody has any experience with Katans active using a LK-85 for treble and a Majik for bass? I found the system to be bass heavy and when compared with an active setup using two LK-85:s there is a huge tone difference. My problem is that tunewise the systems don't differ much... the two LK-85 being just a notch ahead of the Majik/LK-85 combo. At low to average volume levels the extra bass feels nice (but is it supposed to be there?????).

Is there a gain incompability between the stereo cards and the mono cards? (I have the new mono cards). Or is there a problem using the Majik (which is a different kind of poweramp compared to the LK-85) together with other Linn amplifiers? Or am I just going nuts and should go home, buy a $200 amplifier, turn the bass control to max, press the loudness button and enjoy all the bass??

The tunedem method is great, but what do you do when you have too systems that compare well to each other, but have a completely different tone balance? Which is correctly reproducing what's _on_ the record???


The first thing that comes to mind is whether the amps, left and right, are hooked up correctly when using the LK-85's. There really shouldn't be any difference except at higher volumes. If you installed the cards yourself, I'd start looking inside the bass amp and checking things out just to be sure. I'm unfamiliar with the LK-85's having not owned one. I do remember though that when I looked at my Aktiv card documentation that the cards are amp specific. You can get mono cards that work in some stereo amps as well as mono amps. But not all cards work in all amps. If you purchased these used I'd check the documentaion to see if they are in fact compatable with your amp. Good luck and you can email me through Audiogon anytime. Maybe we can figure this thing out for you.
My dealer was the one who did the rebuildning of both the Majik and the two LK-85:s. I haven't actually checked the installation he did, but I would be suprised if he made a misstake. You are correct that the cards are amp specific. The LK85/140 series (together with the 5125 and 2250) take stereo cards, while the Majik, Klout, old LK100 etc take two monocards. I suspect that the monocards don't mix too well with the stereocards. I have heard that there are two versions of the monocards, an original one and one newer based on the newer design of the stereocards. My monocards should be of the new type since Linn delivered them new to me.

I had a listening session yesterday evening and the balance in tone is now restored when using two LK-85:s and the speakers back to their original place. Listening to CD:s with some bass punch (Lauryn Hill, The Miseducation... and Alicia Keys, Songs in A minor) is now very enjoyable (again), with tune and _balance_ in place. The lesson learned is that there is a lot of care to be taken when mixing different cardtypes and/or amplifiers when going active.

I remember when I initially played my first CD on the Majik/Lk-85 combo, my first thought was that there was a little bit too much bass for my taste. Then I got used to the bass... But now I know. I was correct in my reaction from the beginning. Always trust your ears.

Thank for your suggestions and your help Lugnut! I really thought I was going crazy for a short while.

One of the first records I listened to after going Aktiv was Donald Fagen's "Nightfly". When Ruby Tuesday came on I got concerned when I heard THAT bass note that happens three times. Whoa. I had no idea my system could go that low.

Two benefits I noticed immediately from going Aktiv was a sense of effortlessnes in the presentation and lesser recordings were improved beyond belief. Were your experiences similar?
As you mentioned earlier the Katans aren't known for going low. That was probably what made me react in the first place. Sometimes I really miss the bass, but I guess that's why there is a Sizmik. What the Katans are very good at is delivering the music.

Since the bass received alot of my attention I haven't yet done a real listening session where I just listen to the music. (There has been alot of A-B tests though.)

Having said that here are my impressions of active. I think that the best way to describe it is that going active is like taking away a pillow from the front of the loudspeakers. The sound just opens up and I'm more _there_, sitting in the room where the musicians are playing. The piano is not coming from the loudspeakers, it's coming from a piano in my room. Combining that with the effortlessnes that I think Linn always have had it their equipment makes everything called listening fatigue vanish. In fact, since the bassproblem dissapeared we (me and my girlfriend) have not watched tv at all.. only listening to music. I think that is a good grade! The same thing about the car audio. I have always found my car audio system to be very good (of course not the same league as my home system), but now the sound just is boring and I end up turning the radio/cd off!

Since the second LK-85 made the setup sound good again, I have decided to trade my Majik for an used Kolektor. I have no use of the poweramp in the Majik anymore. It'll be interesting to see if it makes any difference (this upgrade is a "bonus" upgrade since it won't cost me anything :).
Hi Christian,

I too have Linn Katans, although at this point just a Classik. My future plans are to upgrade via LK-85s, and then go active, and then look at the source. That may be a little bit backwards, I'm not sure.

Some Qs: how far out into the room are the Katans? Did you ever experiment with the tone controls (I know that might get me some flack on that one...).

My Katans are wall mounted, which was a practicle solution due to a small apartment + baby. The bass was immediatly 'muddy', generally horrible. Experimenting with the bass tone control made the difference.

I think about the Sizmik...possibly even the custom one, installed into the wall.
