What is your vote for best bookshelf speaker ?

What is your vote for best bookshelf speaker in the world? I've been looking for quite some time for a cost no object pair of bookshelf speakers. I just settled on a pair but im curious what others think? Here are the major options and add any more you feel are worthy....

Dynaudio Confidence 3
Sonus Faber Extrema
Sonus Faber Guaneri Homage
Talon Audio Peregrine X
JM Labs Mini Utopia
Totem Mani II
JMR Trente
Revel Gems
Wilson Cubs
AE Signature 1s

I know i missed a few. Let me know what you think.... Thanks
The Guaneri Homage is the most amazing small speaker I have ever heard. The B&W Silver Signatures were also a very special speaker but I have only heard about half of the speakers on your list.
You missed ther Reference 3A models- Royal Master?? Also- MM De Capo.

However, that being said, I own Mani-2's, so that's where MY vote goes!!
Red Rose Model 3. I have not heard all of the speakers on your list, but have heard quite a few that are not. The Red Rose speakers were, for me, the most amazing book shelf speaker I've encountered. Properly set up they produce a soundstage that you would expect from much larger speakers. The synergy that Mark Levinson has acheived with the ribbon tweeter and dynamic bass driver is also pretty incredible.