Looking for speakers to go with Graaf OTL-20 amp -

I'm looking for a pair high-efficiency (8-ohm, with SPL @ 93-db or higher) that don't look like "Darth Vador" to go with my Graaf OTL 20 amp (20-wpc), Graaf 13-B pre-amp and Copland CDA-289 as front-end.

The problem is, starting next month I'll be in my new apartment where the living-room (where I listen) and the kithen are in the same rectangular contiguous space and therefore making it a rather large room, about 35' by 19' with 10' ceilings.

The stuff I listing to these days can be categorized as loungy or electronic (ie: Theivery Corp., Bhudha-Bar etc.) as well as vocals and classical. I also like listening on the louder side.

The bugdet is around $3000 (used) -- any & all recommendations are much appreciated.

I did addition the "Classic" by Red-Rose, they're just wonderful sounding speakers but a bit out of my league at the moment -- $8000 (new).

I agree with Brulee's recommendation of the Coincident speakers. From what Israel says, they match up extremely well with OTL's.

Nice choice on the Graaf's. While I have not heard the lower powered 20, I have heard the big brothers and they were terrific sounding.
In addition to what others have recommended, Von Schweikert is coming out with a new speaker called the DB-99. It is a down sized version of the DB-100 which is shown on their web-site. It looks quite interesting and his speakers are always well done.
Thank you all for your suggestions. The "Sonatina II" by Siverline might be another choice, however, I am leaning more towards the "Victory" by Coincident based solely on the specs. This also means I must increase my bugdet by $1500 to $4500 since I've not seen any listings for a used pair anywhere.

Also, does anyone have any opinions on the "Kharma Ceramic 2.0" with low powered OTL's as mine? I ask becuase with my now increased bugdet, I have a shot at some used ones listed here at Audiogon. And aesthetically, they will work better in my new modernistic loft space.

Thanks again for all your suggestions...