I believe Ultrakaz (interesting name!) and Natalie both have good points re: the synergy of the amps that are mated with these speakers- it can make all the difference.
I have heard Coincident many times (at the Designer/Owner Israel Blume's house no less, as I live near by), and it was always with tubes (SET). The Coincident speakers have no-compromise build quality, and are designed to retrieve every nuance of the music. This also can make them quite revealing of source and associated componentry- therefore I always take these 'comparos' (i.e. Silverline vs Coincident) with a grain of salt. For someone to make these blanket comparisons, I think it is only fair to list all the associated components as well as room configuration and speaker placement (i.e. for Eclipse models- were Coincident woofers firing inward or outward, etc.). Only when all the factors are considered is it plausable to beging drawing conclusions of this nature.
I am not here to make any blanket statements or judgements on which is prefered, HOWEVER, the one thing I CAN attest to is Israel's comittment to building a quality product- and not just speakers.
Several months ago I purchased his (now previous) personal reference amplifier system consisting of 4 tube amps: a pair of completely rebuilt/modified Golden Tube 300B 7-watt SET monoblocks for mids/highs; plus another pair of also completely rebuilt and INSANELY modified Altec 1570B monoblocks- 170 wpc in triode! using a pair of 811's in each amp for bass duty- all the best NOS, etc. The amps are fantastic, and in a bi-amp setup I would argue world-class at the price point- I drive the 4 amps direct from an Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 CDP using the XLR and RCA outs simultaneously- the Altecs have volume control that allows tailoring of bass precisely in relation to mids/highs when bi-amping. The one amp I have heard that is the equal of this combo is Israel's new one- the Wyetech Labs Topaz 572B- wonderful.
Anyways- sorry for digressing slightly, however my addition to this discussion is not to necessarily offer a proper comparison between Silverline and Coincident (however if I were to, you probably get the idea where my allegiances lie...), because I am not as familiar with the 'Silverlineup'. It is simply to attest to the quality approach that Israel takes towards his business and everything he produces. I am sure that the next post could just as easily contain similar positive statements about Alan Yun of Slverline (whom I have in fact spoken with, and he seemed like a nice guy who is also very committed).
In the end, I am sure either line could be quite pleasing to the listener depending of course on synergistically matched components and listener preference. Re: this discussion, I am not surprised that the Silverline product would get more responses due to a wider dealer network and therefore more availability to audition than Coincident's tighter dealer network- I am not sure as to the total number of Silverline speakers in current use versus Coincident for Audiogon forum members- but that would be an interesting stat!
OK- enough rambling- the system's fired up- got some late-night listenin' to do- later!
I have heard Coincident many times (at the Designer/Owner Israel Blume's house no less, as I live near by), and it was always with tubes (SET). The Coincident speakers have no-compromise build quality, and are designed to retrieve every nuance of the music. This also can make them quite revealing of source and associated componentry- therefore I always take these 'comparos' (i.e. Silverline vs Coincident) with a grain of salt. For someone to make these blanket comparisons, I think it is only fair to list all the associated components as well as room configuration and speaker placement (i.e. for Eclipse models- were Coincident woofers firing inward or outward, etc.). Only when all the factors are considered is it plausable to beging drawing conclusions of this nature.
I am not here to make any blanket statements or judgements on which is prefered, HOWEVER, the one thing I CAN attest to is Israel's comittment to building a quality product- and not just speakers.
Several months ago I purchased his (now previous) personal reference amplifier system consisting of 4 tube amps: a pair of completely rebuilt/modified Golden Tube 300B 7-watt SET monoblocks for mids/highs; plus another pair of also completely rebuilt and INSANELY modified Altec 1570B monoblocks- 170 wpc in triode! using a pair of 811's in each amp for bass duty- all the best NOS, etc. The amps are fantastic, and in a bi-amp setup I would argue world-class at the price point- I drive the 4 amps direct from an Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 CDP using the XLR and RCA outs simultaneously- the Altecs have volume control that allows tailoring of bass precisely in relation to mids/highs when bi-amping. The one amp I have heard that is the equal of this combo is Israel's new one- the Wyetech Labs Topaz 572B- wonderful.
Anyways- sorry for digressing slightly, however my addition to this discussion is not to necessarily offer a proper comparison between Silverline and Coincident (however if I were to, you probably get the idea where my allegiances lie...), because I am not as familiar with the 'Silverlineup'. It is simply to attest to the quality approach that Israel takes towards his business and everything he produces. I am sure that the next post could just as easily contain similar positive statements about Alan Yun of Slverline (whom I have in fact spoken with, and he seemed like a nice guy who is also very committed).
In the end, I am sure either line could be quite pleasing to the listener depending of course on synergistically matched components and listener preference. Re: this discussion, I am not surprised that the Silverline product would get more responses due to a wider dealer network and therefore more availability to audition than Coincident's tighter dealer network- I am not sure as to the total number of Silverline speakers in current use versus Coincident for Audiogon forum members- but that would be an interesting stat!
OK- enough rambling- the system's fired up- got some late-night listenin' to do- later!