Silverline "Sonatina II" vs. Coincident "Victory"

I've essentially narrowed down my speaker choices to these two for my Graaf OTL 20wpc amp. While the "Victory" certainly appears to have better specs (14-ohm, 97-db @ $4500 new) the Sonatina-II are no slouch either (8-ohm, 93-db @ $3900 new). If I had no choice but to purchase them new I'd most likely fork out the extra money and go with the Victory. However at the moment I'm torn between the choices becuase I have a shot at a used pair of Sonatina-II (only one month old) offered at $2200. The other problem is, I can't seem to audition either of these here in NYC (a pervasive problem for most I'm sure) and therefore, I'm solely basing my decision on what I hear at threads such as these. I've already had bad luck once before but that was when I was completely new to OTL amps.

Does anyone here have any direct experience with both of these with OTL amps?

Other factors worth noting: Starting next month, I'll be in a large listing space -- approx 35' X 20' X 10-ft ceilings starting next month. Also, I listen to mostly loungy stuff with some vocals and classical thrown into the mix.

I appreciate any feedback you can offer...

by Jewel_hasan
Thank you one and all. You've been most helpful. I have yet to make up mind, but as soon as I do, I will update this post. Hopefully very soon...

Just as an FYI, I may choose to trade in my current amp for its big brother the 100wpc OTL in order to address the room size issue which in turn may allow more choices on the speaker front.

For those of you interested in the associated gear, here is my list:

Frontend: Copeland CDA-289 HDCD
Preamp: Graaf 13-B (Tube) and McIntosh C32 (SS)
Poweramp: Graaf GM 20 OTL (20wpc, Tube)
Speaker Cord: "Zero" by FMS
Interconnect: "ZuCable"
Others who've noted the amplifier/speaker matching issue as the key one are pointing you in the right direction. Having tried Atma-Sphere OTL's (both M-60's and MA-1's) with Coincident, Super Eclipses. I could not imagine attempting to power the Silverline Sonatinas with a set 20-watt OTLs. Unless Graaf does something really special with its design (I am not familiar with it), OTLs really do like high impedance, sensitive loads.
Unless you get one of the ZERO box auto-formers (available from Paul Speltz through the ASOG [Atma-Sphere User's Group]) to aid in impedance matching, I don't think you will have much success driving the Silverlines very well.
I had a 16 x 26 room and much preferred the A-S MA-1 MkII's over the M-60 on the Coincident Super E's (92 dB, not-below-10 Ohms). (My current smaller room would favor the M-60's, but that's another story....) If that gives you any idea of the task your Graaf amps will have, I hope it helps.
My only contact with Silverline was completely negative, but it could have been an anomaly and not worth going into. From direct experience with my Coincident Super E's, I can say that they are revealing, nearly full-range, and quite musically engaging. They take a long time to break in and some of my earlier complaints about them turned out to be cabling or room related, not the speakers. If the Victorys are anything like the Super E's but easier to drive and perhaps more intimate, you are in for a treat! Coincident speakers and OTL amps really are a good match.
I respect and look forward to Philefreak's posts but I have to disagree with him. I have heard both and for me the Sonatina II did not have the the magic that the Coincident could produce using the same amp. The illusion of real people playing real instruments in my room was lost when I listen to any of the Sonata line. I think the Sonata line is a fine speaker and could be very happy with it had I not heard the Coincident. So much depends on the amps and your tastes. With your new room size the Victory may not fill the room as well as the Super or Total Eclipse. I have had the Graaf GM-20 SE european edition on my Totals and could not believe what a powerhouse of an amp this is. If you go with the Victory's your 20 watt Graaf will be over kill as far as power. BTW Jewel, the GM-20 is the most reliable amp in the Graaf line up. IMO the best sounding too. You have heard two totally different views on the comparison between these two speakers. I am no more right or wrong than Philefreak. We just respectfully disagree. Best of luck.
Thanks guys & gals -- I've since changed my mind. I bought a pair of Kharma CE 2.3 (newest revision to version 2 model)-- I'm just waiting for the shipment to arrive -- they ship from the Netherlands. These are rated at 8ohms and 90+ db. I was able to audition a pair of Kharma CE 1.0's (the bigger brother of the version 2's) with my own "Graaf GM 20" 20/wpc OTL -- I was sold. Although the Kharma's cost twice as much as a pair of "victory", I had no doubt I could live with these for a long time.