What speakers are replace Klipsch horns?

After 25 years my wife has finally won the battle of the coffins, as she so fondly referred to my Klipsch horn speakers. In the throes of a major living room remodel (22x26 with 10-15' ceilings), I have capitulated. The K-horns are going. I have just returned from my local audiophile retailer, stunned that the only speakers I really like (B&W somethings) were around $8k. My question to those of you out there more learned and more up-to-date than I (just about everyone, I suppose), is this:
What would make a good replacement? Is $2000 a realistic price? Is buying used safe? My amplifier is a Haffler DH-220 (115 w @ 8 ohms), preamp Haffler DH-110. I listen to CD's and vinyl - mainly jazz (lots of piano) and opera, rock, blues, and classical to a lesser degree. Do all these esoteric speaker brands I see on your site require components beyond sound source-preamp-amp? Thanks, mcehlers@hotmail.com
For that large of a room (and your listening tastes) try to audition Vandersteen speakers. Another option might be to have the K-Horns veneered in an exotic wood and/or another finish which would better suite your "new" look.
If you love the pros and cons of horns look for Avant Garde Unos or Duos used. But if I were you I would keep the K Horns and update your amp and preamp. I owned the Hafler combo you had for about 8 yrs and swaped out the pre with a tubed preamp. Talk about night and day. The music was much more 3 dimensionable and live! Then I sold my La Scalas and went with Legacy Focus. I was very pleased with the change in sonic character. I then purchased a old used NYAL Moscode 600 ( great amp! ). I have been really pleased with my current set up. Not the lastest or greatest but at least I did not break the bank. Best regards
I am familiar with the K-horns, as my father used to own a pair. The main problem you face is buying a speaker that can recreate the sheer volume of sound that the k-horns can create without spending alot. You were probably listening to the B&W Nautilus 802s at that store. Great speaker, but you might need a little more power than what you have. If allowed, keep the K-horns--change the finish, as suggested above--and then upgrade the electronics. Let us know what your maximum budget might be for speakers if you have to sell the k-horns. 2k for speakers might not provide the lower extension you need if you listen to piano, nor fill the room you have described.