What speakers are replace Klipsch horns?

After 25 years my wife has finally won the battle of the coffins, as she so fondly referred to my Klipsch horn speakers. In the throes of a major living room remodel (22x26 with 10-15' ceilings), I have capitulated. The K-horns are going. I have just returned from my local audiophile retailer, stunned that the only speakers I really like (B&W somethings) were around $8k. My question to those of you out there more learned and more up-to-date than I (just about everyone, I suppose), is this:
What would make a good replacement? Is $2000 a realistic price? Is buying used safe? My amplifier is a Haffler DH-220 (115 w @ 8 ohms), preamp Haffler DH-110. I listen to CD's and vinyl - mainly jazz (lots of piano) and opera, rock, blues, and classical to a lesser degree. Do all these esoteric speaker brands I see on your site require components beyond sound source-preamp-amp? Thanks, mcehlers@hotmail.com
Correction, Bob: *DO* listen to the wife ->). She kindly offered to KEEP the Khorns AND look into an SET for them!!!

Re, SET (=single-ended triodes) is an amp design. There are many in the market, most are expensive. The sound is dynamic, with good clarity & transient attack allowing you to enjoy (jazz) piano, small ensembles, etc.

I would subscribe to the SET amplifiers idea, BUT would urge for a preamplifier first. As a pre "controls" the system (its "heart", if you will), an improvement here would be very perceptible and gratifying!

The $2k mentioned in the original thread would go a long way towards purchasing a good quality, hi-resolution and musical pre (probably used) that includes a "phono" section to accomodate your vinyl playback.

An excellent Xmas present I'm sure!
Yes I see that Alma has regained her sanity - thank the audio gods! Agree that a high quality preamp is the heart of the matter here; my philosophy is that the pre (if you use one) should be the best piece in your system.
Also another good mosfet amp candidate is the Meitner monoblocks.
Yes buying used is safe (at least it is here on Audiogon, use caution on ebay) but DO know your seller via member feedback, verified member, check with other members that they've dealt with (as shown on their feedback) make those phone calls, trust your gut feelings, that sort of thing. Most of us here have done well by following this basic common-sense approach.
Here comes the lone dissenter... Sell the K horns and pick up a pair of psb stratus golds (under $2000. used) I did several years ago and never once have I regretted the change. The golds are efficient, dynamic and will play loud, and you wont be ducking from that honky horn every time you turn it up. If you do decide to keep them, than you really should try to at least get a tube pre amp, as the tubes really do make quite a difference. (they were designed and voiced with tubes) I had serious misgivings about parting with mine, but as I said, it was the best move i made in a long time. Good luck whatever you decide, and keep us posted. Mike