Quality Monitors?

Hi There:i'm looking to upgrade my speakers(paradigm ref v 40's-2),will appreciate opinions on monitors that will offer better performance retaining a strong bottom end performance while bettering the paradigms in every other category,price range will be at $1,500 used,here is my system:
classe transport.
resolution audio chronos jitter attenuator which also splits the digital signal into two resaudio quantum dacs in balance mode(digital heaven).
simaudio moon I-5 integrated.
cables are mapleshade omega mikro dig.,and synergistic ic's
dh-labs q-10 biwire speaker cable,thanks in advance,AL
For quality monitors w/bass, get a pair of B&W Nautilus 805's ($1600-1700 used) or even better, a pair of B&W Matrix 805's (pair new in box selling now on Audiogon for $899, other ads have also had them for around $800). I had the Matrix 805's for several years without a sub and really couldn't tell I was missing any bass. Once I added a Rel Storm III, I saw that I was, but really they were that good that the sub was not necessary. Just icing on the cake.
One of the best speakers for the Sim Moon I-5 is the Totem Tabu ... I believe this is the speakers used by Sim's designer in the voicing of the I-5. I am not familiar with the Paradigm speaker, but the Totems have excellent bass for what is a relatively small monitor.
For your price range i would get the totem tabus not the model 1s or get the PMC LB1s. With a good amp the LB1s are some of the best you'll hear. Lastly if you can some how find a pair of talon khites for around your price, GET THEM!!! Not only are they really easy to drive, unlike the totems, but they sound much better than any of the aformentioned speakers and have bass rivaling many floor standers. I know they are a bit more than whay you wanted but most people prefer the khites to Sonus Faber Electa Amator IIs so maybe this will prove what sorta caliber they are. I hope this helps.... - Ian