Argent Room Lenses?

My wife and I have been discussing our options reguarding acoustic treatments. After looking at several different items, we've discovered that Argent Room Leses is something we both can live with. However, I was wondering if anyone at Audiogon has had any experience with them. Whether it is negative or postive, I would appreciate any input.
I have had very good results in my room in "cleaning up" the overall soundstage and smoothing out a slight midbass hump. While the suggested placement is a good starting point, you will definitely want to experiment with other setups. Overall, a VERY cost-effective improvement.
They are my favorite "acoustic treatment". Very flexible in regards to positioning and impact. Since my Amati's are rear ported, I find that placing one behind each speaker, in-line with the center-line of the speaker is fabulous.

Just ordered a second set.

my listening room was never ideal ,then i got 1 for between the two speakers, i was hooked, i bought 2 more within a week,ranks right up there with changing to the right cartridge or dac for your system,i havnt heard a downside,but i do move them around to get the proper sound ,just what i needed,something else to tweek with!
I went to Home Depot, bought some 2 1/2" (or thereabouts)
PVC piping, pine boards and some fiberglass insulation
(for stuffing the tubes at specific intervals). I built
a set of three Room Lens-clones for about $60, and spray
painted them black. They're not as refined and classy
looking up close as the real thing, but I figure I can
put up with that at a savings of about $840 under MSRP.
Do a search for Room Lenses and you'll find several sites
giving the information.