This is a little old, but I heard Von Schweikert VR-4 GenIII setup last weekend. I listened to it for maybe an hour. The Vons were being driven by some classe gear. The music was very dark and full on orchestral stuff. It could be described as being like a dark "british" sound, with the weight, textured bass most Americans expect. Both quantity and quality. The bass fills the room at any volume.
Overall, I liked the VR-4 Gen III. For me most british speakers are a tad cooler than neutral. I like the Vons, since it has a darker (not so much warm, since often warm means SLOW, which Vons are not) sound than the B&Ws. I heard a 802N setup driven by McIntosh about a year ago at a dealer. It was good, but not like the Vons. The Vons are one of the first hi-end speakers that I thought did heavy metal any justice.
Overall, I liked the VR-4 Gen III. For me most british speakers are a tad cooler than neutral. I like the Vons, since it has a darker (not so much warm, since often warm means SLOW, which Vons are not) sound than the B&Ws. I heard a 802N setup driven by McIntosh about a year ago at a dealer. It was good, but not like the Vons. The Vons are one of the first hi-end speakers that I thought did heavy metal any justice.