Amp for JM Lab Mezzo Utoptia's

I've recently moved my (2) Threshold T-200 monoblocks to the HT. Temporarily, I'm using a Bryston 4b to replace the T-200's. Anybody have any suggestions for amps to replace the T200's. I'll be selling the 4b. I'm using a Threshold T-2 preamp and a Meridian 508-24 CD player in a room 25x20 with a 16 foot cathedral ceiling. Speakers are JM Lab Mezzo Utopias. Music is 90% classical and female vocalists and about 10% pop&rock. Thanks.
I would most definitely contact Bill Parish. He's an expert on this subject and I trust his judgement. Bill is renowned for setting up truly world class systems and a JMlab dealer.

As for me, I'm a very happy JMlab owner...
if you can find them anything tube research will make you feel as you are their. i have jm labs as well with tube research and it is awsome