Monitor speakers - choices to narrowed down to...

To facilitate family life I am being presses into moving my 2 channel gear into a small dedicated room that will end up being a less than ideal 12X12X8 which no doubt I will have to treat. My Maggie 1.5's may end up being sounding constrained in such a small space. The rest of the system is:
Modded 333ES sacd cdp
Rogue 66
Bryston 4B-ST
HT Pro 9 single wires

Based on budget I have come up with the following choices:
1. Silverline SR-15
2. Piega 2
3. Monitor Audio GR-10
4. ACI Sapphire
5. Proac Tablettes 2000
6. Totem model 1

Many of these cannot be listened to prior to purchase account factory direct or no local dealer. As low end bass has never been a big desire I don't feel the need for a sub.
I'm looking for musicality first above detail in hopes to minimize listener fatigue.

Any members here either have a similar system or can offer some "sound" advice as to creating a short list? Many thanks in advance for you input.
As much as I am not a fan of them the B&W nautulis 805's are about the best sounding moniter I have ever heard. My statement about not liking them is simply because I don't like the local dealer, it has nothing to do with the product. Great bass and imaging for the size of the speakers, and can be found sometimes used for about what you are looking to spend. Good luck and happy hunting.
Sticking to the B&W theme, I owned the Matrix 805's (predecessor to the Nautilus recommended above) for years without a sub and never noticed the lack of bass. They are often for sale used here for around $800. They are simply fabulous monitor speakers. Of the ones you listed, I like the ProAc's the best; I now own the Response 1SC's and they are also fantastic, but more money than the Matrix or the Nautilus or the Tablette's.
I recently setup Spendor S3/5s in a 14x16x9 study, where the speakers must be less than ideally place along a long wall. Rogue Tempest Magnum and Audio Aero Prima completed the sysem. Now I listen to this setup more than my main system.

Sorry I can't compare the Spendor's to any of the speakers on your list because I haven't heard them. But if you put a premium on musicality and low listener fatique, the Spendor "Classic" line is tough to been IMHO.

Check out Herb Reichert's review on "...I am getting old, I've been around the audio block a few times and I think this $900 (!!!) loudspeaker is going to end up as one of the small handful true audio classics. What it doesn't do is play loud or play bass notes below 70-80Hz. What it does do, which is deliver superbly transparent, extremely detailed, authentic sounding music playback -- it does better than any small speaker I have ever heard -- period! Yes. You heard me right. My use of the word "any" includes speakers like Wilson's "Watt", the ProAc Responses and Tablettes, the Sonus Faber Concertos ..."

Happy hunting!